United Paintball FederationEuropean Paintball Federation!
1Edmonton Impact
2Toulouse Tontons
3Russian Legion Moscow
4Breakout Spa
5Manchester Firm
6Joy Division Stockholm
7Red Storm Moscow
8FiveStar Lleidamore CPL rankings...
The Millennium Series: European Paintball Series
Event 2017FRAParis-Chantilly [France] World Cup 15. - 17. September 2017:
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[ Hotels ] [ Travel ] [ Maps ] [ Weather ] [ Spectators ]
Drone view of this amazing location:

Fields Layout:

Paris-Chantilly 2017 Breakout Field Layout Paris-Chantilly 2017 Snake Field Layout
Paris-Chantilly 2017 Pit Field Layout Paris-Chantilly 2017 2D Field Layout
» Map to the location «

World Cup Paris-Chantilly 2017

Site Address:

Hippodrome de Chantilly
18 rue du connectable
60500 Chantilly

3 international events will take place in Chantilly on 15-17 September:

World Cup 2017 Paris-Chantilly Program

Chantilly World Cup 2017 Activities

We are going to have the very special area for kids only - KIDS PLAYGROUND - on every our event. You are welcome there with kids to play NERF, WATER GUN… and to have FUN... The access is for free!

Kids playground in Puget

Paris-Chantilly [France] World Cup Schedule Champions Paintball League 2017:

Schedule Champions Paintball League Chantilly 2017


3 day schedule CPL (Pro), SP, D1, D2 (final version) and EPBF World Cup U19: [ms_schedule2017_chantilly.pdf]
2 day schedule D3 (final version): [ms_schedule2017_chantilly_d3.pdf]
2 day schedule D4 (final version): [ms_schedule2017_chantilly_d4.pdf]


Hotel Kyriad Chantilly** (600m)
Rue des Fougères
60500 Chantilly
€92 - Single
€95 - Double/Twin
Breakfast included
Phone: +33 344-581312
Fax: +33 344-576447
Website: www.kyriad.com/fr/france/picardie/hotels-chantilly
Booking forms:

Hôtel Campanile Chantilly*** (600m)
Rue des Fougères
60500 Chantilly
Phone: +33 344-573924
Website: www.campanile-chantilly.fr/fr/index.aspx
Email: chantilly@campanile.fr

Best Western Hôtel Du Parc*** (400m from fields, walking distance)
36, Avenue du Maréchal Joffre
60 500 Chantilly
€169 - Double room (single use)
€196 - Double room (double use)
€15 - Breakfast per day
Phone: 0344582000
Fax: 0344573110
Website: www.hotel-parc-chantilly.com
Email: reception@chantillyhotelduparc.com
Best Western

Hotel Dolce Chantilly**** (3,8 km)
Route d'Apremont
60500 Vineuil St Firmin
Phone: +33 344-584777
Single room: 155 €
Double room: 165 €
Breakfast included
Booking link (one room per booking):
Web: www.dolcechantilly.com
English: https://gc.sabrehospitality.com/rez.aspx...
French: https://gc.sabrehospitality.com/rez.aspx...

Auberge du jeu de Paume****
4, rue du Connétable
60500 Chantilly - France
Booking by mail with object PAINTBALL 2017: reservations@aubergedujeudepaume.fr
Classic room 1 people: 265€
Classic room 2 people: 290€
Breakfast and Internet included
Website: www.aubergedujeudepaumechantilly.fr/en/
Auberge du Jeu de Paume Auberge de Jeu de Paume



Taxi Chantilly


Paris Charles De Gaulle - 20 minute Drive 

Direct Flights Include - Austria, Belgium, Canada, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Northern Ireland, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Russia, Scotland, Slovenia, Slovakia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey, Ukraine, USA.

Paris Orly Airport - 1 hour drive

Direct Flights Include: France, Italy, Portugal, Russia, Spain, Switzerland, Turkey, UK, USA.


The Chantilly Estate is 25 miles away from Paris North, accessible by car, trains and RER.

By public transportation:

1) BY RER: Aeroport Charles de Gaulle 2 TGV RER to PARIS NORD STATION: 30 minutes

Download the train and RER schedules (line 23 - Paris - Chantilly - Creil)
Customer Service of the RATP: 3246
Or check the schedule on this website: www.oise-mobilite.fr


Entry to all 4 Millennium Series Trade Shows, and viewing of the SP, D1 and D2 Field is free of charge - no tickets are required. We invite you to come and see teams compete to be crowned European Champions over 6 Divisions and 3 exciting days of play!

European Masters and Campaign Cup = Free grandstand viewing of the CPL (Pro) Field.

September World Cup Event Information:

At our fourth Event, tickets are required for the main grandstand on the CPL (Pro) field. Any persons with a MS E-pass, do not require a ticket, entry to the grandstand is free for them.

Entrance to the 2017 World Cup is, as always free and open to the public.

A large grandstand will be available to watch games on the CPL (Pro) field from, on all 3 days of the event. The grandstand is open and free, throughout the duration of the event, to all persons with a Millennium Series ID wristband. This includes players, pit crew, sponsors and media. No tickets required.

Visitors without a Millennium ID who want to watch any games from the CPL grandstand will require a ticket.

2017 Ticket Prices:

Adult Tickets

Friday: €5
Saturday: €10
Sunday: €15
3 days pass: €20

Child Tickets (4 years to 10 years) 50% discount

Friday: €2.50
Saturday: €5
Sunday: €7.50
3 days pass: €10

Children 3 years and under are free.

You can buy your ticket online using PayPal in our ticket shop at: https://shop.millennium-series.com/ , or directly at the event.

Sunrise-Sunset [Airport LFPG]

Thursday: 7:24 - 20:05
Friday: 7:25 - 20:03
Saturday: 7:27 - 20:01
Sunday: 7:28 - 19:59

Page content above last updated: 2021-06-05 21:05:37 CET


Team training slots (55 minute sessions) are available for all confirmed teams to book on the Thursday of each event. Cost is 400 € per session, if you share this session with another team, it's 200 € each team. Payment to be made at the event, at Orga, in advance of the session.

**It is the responsibility of the team booking the slot to pay.  If sharing with another team, but booked in your name, it is your responsibility to collect the money from this team and pay to Orga.**

Due to the limited hours, these slots are only to be used for teams to train against one another. They can not be used by companies to market or promote their products.

CPL Field - Restricted to CPL teams
SP Field - Restricted to SP teams or higher
Division 1 Field - Restricted to Division 1 teams or higher
Division 2 Field - Open to any teams

Training session bookings are available to:

• All CPL, SP and Division 1 teams that are up to date with their locked division payments
• D2, D3, D4 teams that are fully confirmed for the event

How To Book:

Go to https://www.pbresultsonline.com/event/488/trainings and log in to your team managers account.

Full payment is to be made, in advance of your session, at the Organisation tent on the Thursday.

Training sessions are 55 minutes long, to allow for cleaning of the fields between sessions.

You can contact the team training management via email: viktoriya.sarantseva@millennium-series.com  

N.B - We remind all teams, that all paint used on the Millennium Series tournament grounds must be bought on site from the official MS paint sponsors. This is valid also for training sessions on Thursday.

CPL field
Date Time Slot 1 Slot 2
14 September14:00
Offenburg Comin At Ya
Offenburg Comin At Ya
14 September15:00
Vienna United
Vienna United
14 September16:00
FiveStar Lleida
FiveStar Lleida
14 September17:00
Breakout Spa
Breakout Spa
14 September18:00  —  —
14 September19:00  —  —
14 September20:00  —  —
14 September21:00  —  —

SPL field
Date Time Slot 1 Slot 2
14 September14:15
Assala Libreville
Assala Libreville
14 September15:15
Amsterdam Heat
Amsterdam Heat
14 September16:15
Offenburg Comin At Ya
Offenburg Comin At Ya
14 September17:15
Helsinki Cyclone
Helsinki Cyclone
14 September18:15
Razorback Saint Etienne
Weapons Saint-Dizier
14 September19:15  —  —
14 September20:15  —  —
14 September21:15  —  —

D1 field
Date Time Slot 1 Slot 2
14 September14:30
FiveStar Lleida 3
FiveStar Lleida 3
14 September15:30  —  —
14 September16:30  —  —
14 September17:30
Lions PB Martigny
Lions PB Martigny
14 September18:30  —
Sheriff Kostanay
14 September19:30  —  —
14 September20:30  —  —
14 September21:30  —  —

D2 field
Date Time Slot 1 Slot 2
14 September14:45
Bergen Legacy
Bergen Legacy
14 September15:45
Poison Ivy Drammen
Duckside Aisawan
14 September16:45
Polish U19 team
SAR U19 team
14 September17:45
French U19
French U19
14 September18:45
Saar Fanatics Lebach 2
14 September19:45  —  —
14 September20:45  —  —
14 September21:45  —  —

Attention: During training session on Thursday all regular safety rules fully apply. On the field goggles must be worn all the time by everybody, off the field barrel socks must be on all the time. Teams whose members are not following these basic safety requirements at all times will be excluded from training immediately.


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