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The Millennium Series: European Paintball Series

Rule Modification Announcement for 2017 Season


Fill: Yellow
Shell: No color restrictions





Rule Modification Announcement for 2016 Season

[Millennium Series changes 2016 V2.3]


  • If two teams are tied at the end of the match regulation time a 5-minute 5-on-5 overtime is played.
  • The overtime period is sudden death; first team to score wins.
  • The “60 seconds rule” applies in the last sixty seconds of overtime.
  • If the 5 minute overtime results in a stalemate, the two teams will each select a player to compete in a One-on-One. The One-on-One will be 2-minutes and is sudden death; the first player to eliminate the opposing player or hit the buzzer at the opponent’s base will win the match.
  • If both players are still alive at the end of 2 minutes, the one nearest their opponents start base will win the match.


**The WPBO 500 limited paint format will apply to all divisions from the 2017 season. This includes all EPBF World Cups as well as all 1on1 Championships.

Test results

  • Players are limited to two paint pods and one loader when entering the field.
  • Maximum size of Loader will have a volume capacity of 1500ml.
  • Paint pods will have a maximum volume Capacity of 800ml.
  • Only 0.68 calibre paintballs maybe taken onto the field.
  • Paintballs can only be used from Authorized Loaders and Pods, any player using paintballs from any other source (example the floor) will be eliminated.

As a locked division player, please ensure that you follow the new WPBO/MS ruling regarding roster numbers:

PLAYER NUMBERS: Teams in locked divisions will be required to wear Jerseys with numbers for each player on the back and on both sides of their hopper, relating to their roster number for the team. This is required of locked division teams only but encouraged for all teams playing Millennium. This requirement is part of the harmonisation of rules and play now being developed by the WPBO and for webcast broadcasting worldwide. Details of the exact layout and size of numbering can be found at www.millennium-series.com/downloads/wpbo-rules-1-2.pdf

Your roster number needs to be included in your players account, once logged in to your account you will see an option to input this number. Your number will appear on your team roster and your ID card so please ensure this is done in advance of the first event.

Rule Modification Announcement for 2012 and 2013 Seasons


Rule 10.09 has been amended to allow stickers to be placed on goggle systems subject to protected colour rules and subject to safety issues with reference to visual criteria. Stickers that are designed to tear of easily will still be banned.

The EPBF has 2 rule modifications for the 2012 season, which the Millennium Series has accepted and will implement for their 2012 Events. A further 2 rule modifications will be implemented for the 2013 season.

For 2012 Season:

Staging Area:

No communication is allowed by anyone from the designated staging area to the active field of play during any team points or matches.

This means no pit side coaching will be allowed anymore. Teams, managers, pit crew or any other person will not be allowed to coach from the pit area. Teams violating this rule will be penalised in accordance with existing rules.

False Starts:

For 2012 any players false starting by removing the barrel of the gun from the start gate before the start signal is given, will NOT be automatically pulled from the point, as long as they immediately return it to the gate (touch back).

Even if the signal goes before they have retuned it, they may still return the barrel to the gate (touch back) and then can continue. If they fail to return the barrel to the gate (touch back) either before or after the start signal is given, they will be eliminated.

If, however, a player posts their marker or fires it before the start signal regardless as to whether they later touch back, they will be eliminated in the normal manner.

For 2013 Season:

Prohibited Equipment:

The colour yellow is prohibited on any players equipment or clothing, except that a player's jersey, pants, gloves or shoes may have yellow, so long as no part of the yellow colouring is more than 0.25 cm from some other colour, and no more than 10% of any 5cm by 5cm square on clothing or item is yellow.

For reference purposes, 'yellow' is any colour similar to Pantone colours 101, 102, 107, 108, 109, 116, 3945, 3955, 3965, and 803, although any head judge may prohibit any equipment they believe interferes with the judges' ability to officiate effectively.


Paintballs may NOT contain PINK, ORANGE or RED fill.

In future The EPBF will be setting organised time lines for the consideration of any rule changes by the rules committee via National Federations, and will in any case, announce by November 2012 for the 2013 and 2014 season . Announcements on the procedure will be placed on the EBPF website in due course.

To clarify following a few enquiries, the Millennium has not changed any rulings regarding clothing or equipment for the 2011 season.

We see no point in in any changes that would lead to additional expense to both players and organisers both at Millennium or other European events.

In particular to prohibition of orange as a colour on players clothing and equipment.

Millennium Series ROF cap in 2009:

In a move to come closer to a world wide standard of rules and procedures and as discussed at the CPL/SPL team owners meeting in Amsterdam, the MS will adopt the same ROF cap (10bps) as used in the PSP. The rules will be updated shortly by following wording of rule ''10.01 Markers''

- The first 3 shots must be semi-auto mode only.
- Markers will be limited to a ROF of 10 balls per second (in 2009 actually 10.5 bps), defined as no two consecutive shots may be timed shorter than 95ms apart (reading on ROF meter of 10.5 bps or less = legal; reading on ROF meter of 10.6 bps or higher = illegal).
- Ramping of shots will be allowed only once 5 bps has been achieved. Then the marker may ramp to 10 bps, but only as long as the 5 bps is continually maintained. Once the trigger is stopped to be activated, only one single additional shot may be discharged.

Clarification: the 5 bps for start/sustain ramping dose not need to be hit physically, it refers to the time delay between trigger activations, which must be at least the equivalent to 5 bps. So a marker may start to ramp up to 10 bps, if (after the first three shots being in semi-auto only) the time delay between 3rd and 4th trigger activation is less than 200ms.

MS rules amendment 2015 [Tiebreakers]:

Download amendment 2015 for tiebreakers at [tiebreakers_2015.pdf]

If two teams are tied at the end of the match regulation time a 5-minute 5-on-5 overtime is played.
The overtime period is sudden death; first team to score wins.
The “60 seconds rule” applies in the last sixty seconds of overtime.
If the 5 minute overtime results in a stalemate, the two teams will each select a player to compete in a One-on-One. The One-on-One will be 2-minutes and is sudden death; the first player to eliminate the opposing player or hit the buzzer at the opponent’s base will win the match.
If both players are still alive at the end of 2 minutes, the one nearest their opponents start base will win the match.

Page last updated: 07 of July, 2017
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