United Paintball FederationEuropean Paintball Federation!
1Edmonton Impact
2Toulouse Tontons
3Russian Legion Moscow
4Breakout Spa
5Manchester Firm
6Joy Division Stockholm
7Red Storm Moscow
8FiveStar Lleidamore CPL rankings...
The Millennium Series: European Paintball Series
Division 2 ranking 2006:
Marseille Bitburg MadridParisLondon
1828Ipnoz 815341833182171111199
6693Crossfire 13121171119136131332192
2826Evil Pigs 5173101494174111443186
7685B4 11998161149728494179
18290Berserks D116D155D141D155173
14509Preatorians 1114411996166
4748Rebirth Berlin 716015122715191557160
38153Oblivion 8153
3748Xtreme 41795177205121949147
9594FL Charms 282422836159318810140
23233Rampage 199911134
5697Stealers Am 1889318881431014912128
12537Sus Scrofa 254419992190228313121
25220Escarmouche 1810514115
43108Armageddon 15108
36168DoW 256616102
8668Metralhas 61666172177481611795
10585Bad Element 1795161161211361721889
40143London Tigers Am D131D1301982
33184Karnage UK 217030382076
11566Freefall 31862377186771662170
21257MK Storm 21942263
5157Reign Of Fire 2357
5450Swarm 2450
34172Trivoga 101282544
31197Graffiti 2450284926612637
5631Clan, The 2731
5924Sabre 2824
4970Wolf City Union 223634162918
6311Ranger Warsaw 3011
5354Zone 31535113133315
Promoted to SPL in 2007
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