United Paintball FederationEuropean Paintball Federation!
1Edmonton Impact
2Toulouse Tontons
3Russian Legion Moscow
4Breakout Spa
5Manchester Firm
6Joy Division Stockholm
7Red Storm Moscow
8FiveStar Lleidamore CPL rankings...
The Millennium Series: European Paintball Series
Division 1 ranking 2011:
 Bitburg   London  Paris
Pos Pts Team PosPts PosPts PosPts PosPts
4 303 Warsaw United REF100671766766
18 128 Brussels Graffiti 2 REF982015236229
1 351 Manchester Firm 1100105111001100
7 279 Epidemy HPS Lille 291956576956
10 216 Redball Paris 3862112REF1001918
6 286 7eme Compagnie Nancy 481REF1004811724
5 298 Kosmos Moscow 57611003861336
2 338 Empire Venice 671576REF100291
8 244 Desperados Moscow 7668611146671
11 209 Dozor Moscow 86113368611051
3 333 Hulk Kiev 956386291REF100
14 180 Scalp ME Saulx les Chartreux 2 105176614331530
20 125 Lisbon Benfica 2 114611461530243
24 80 Coyotes Moscow 12412292431627
15 166 Ballistic Guerville 133615301724576
25 72 Lardi Lugansk 14331724229236
23 98 Marseille Taz 2 15302362112REF50
22 99 Toulouse Tontons 2 1627191818211433
26 57 Paris Mortifieurs 172424319182112
13 194 Toulouse Dagnir Dae 2 18211241671861
12 196 ML Kings Prague 191829112411146
21 99 Action Moscow 2015162713361821
17 137 London Shock 2 2112143310511241
19 126 Drammen Sabotage 22918212015481
16 158 Copenhagen PB Club 2 2364819562015
9 216 Copenhagen Synergy 243REF1001627386
Will be promoted to SPL in 2012
Will be relegated to Division 2 in 2012
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