United Paintball FederationEuropean Paintball Federation!
1Edmonton Impact
2Toulouse Tontons
3Russian Legion Moscow
4Breakout Spa
5Manchester Firm
6Joy Division Stockholm
7Red Storm Moscow
8FiveStar Lleidamore CPL rankings...
The Millennium Series: European Paintball Series
Division 1 ranking 2009:
Malaga  Bitburg   Paris   London  Antalya
PosPtsTeamPosPtsPosPts PosPts PosPtsPosPts
5292Scalp ME Saulx les Chartreux 1821291REF*796711530#
9226Acyd Paris 10511433REF*6710511724#
2343Amsterdam Sabotage 386766REF*34291766
1400All Russians Moscow 1100110011001100
17191Johannesburg Dynamix 20158612015REF100
15197Azimut Portimao 76638617241821#
16195Mallorca Madness 29119181336REF50
6283Five Star Lleida REF1005761821386
19159Reading Entity 67122914331146
21136Electrons Dijon 86110512292015#
2580Arena Effects Besancon 12411530REF0#229#
33132easy Warsaw REF100956386671
12209Freestyle Moscow 13361336576861
10214Powerplay Wolfsburg 2112REF1007661336
18181Manchester Firm 481124112411918#
8231Amsterdam Xistence 2 1433671REF1001627#
4313Ranger Warsaw 956481REF100576
7260Amsterdam D.U.B. 1918REF100861481
13209DOW Warberg 5761627956REF50
20139Helsinki Cyclone 1530211211461051
11209Paris Mortifieurs REF100114615301433
22135Ugly Ducklings Odense 2 114620151918956
23118Sus Scrofa Toulouse 243REF100243#2112#
2739Stockholm Ignition 2 2361724236#243#
24837eme Compagnie Nancy 162724321121241
14202Sugar Daddys Uppsala 2291821481291
Will be promoted to SPL in 2010
*: REF points Paris = (100 - lowest points of other events participated)
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