United Paintball FederationEuropean Paintball Federation!
1Edmonton Impact
2Toulouse Tontons
3Russian Legion Moscow
4Breakout Spa
5Manchester Firm
6Joy Division Stockholm
7Red Storm Moscow
8FiveStar Lleidamore CPL rankings...
The Millennium Series: European Paintball Series
Division 1 ranking 2016:
Barcelona Bitburg London Paris
Pos Pts Team PosPts PosPts PosPts PosPts
1 400 RMG Symphony Bratislava 1100110011001100
3 302 Bad Boys Oss 2 5806761252294
9 228 Rebels Borgeskogen 125215401348388
4 292 Droogs Frankfurt 1928REF100580484
5 292 Elite Ile d Oleron 1156580676580
13 212 Bandits Wels 96417321540676
2 322 FiveStar Lleida 2 294388868772
21 156 Indecence Rebel Nancy 212416361928868
22 126 Phoenix St Petersburg 241820262418964
6 288 Razorback Saint Etienne 7724847721060
8 248 United Strasbourg 134811563881156
7 278 Union Five Moscow 38829414441252
10 218 Assala Libreville 67686820261348
16 182 Phoenix Toulouse 484241816361444
12 216 Inflame Regensburg 868134810601540
17 178 Copenhagen PB Club 2 202612529641636
19 164 Atlantic Games Cerceda 163677221241732
15 192 Ramstein Instinct 2 17321830REF1001830
18 174 PBS91 Saulx les Chartreux 106096422221928
20 160 West Connection Rouen 222219284842026
14 206 Brussels Heat 144414442942124
23 118 Rouen Van Gogh 1540212417322222
25 90 Assaut Paris 2320232018302320
24 90 Poison Ivy Drammen 1830222223202418
Will be promoted to SP in 2017
Will be relegated to Division 2 in 2017
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