United Paintball FederationEuropean Paintball Federation!
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The Millennium Series: European Paintball Series
69ers Wiesloch Germany Germany

Season 2014

Category: Open Division 2

Series Ranking: #19 with 112 points overall
Puget-Sur-Argens:  Place 20  Points 32
Bitburg:  Place 5  Points 80
London-Basildon:  Place 
Paris-Chantilly:  Place 

EPBF Ranking: #258 with 320 points

Berger, Tobias1000039269
Bouteloup, Christian1000041681
Gritsch, Sebastian1000041682
Metz, Christopher1000039268
Vettel, Michael 1000040461
Wagner, Alexander1000039266
Werner, Long1000013254

69ers Wiesloch Germany Germany

Season 2013

Category: Division 3

Series Ranking: #31 with 72 points overall
Puget-Sur-Argens:  Place 
Bitburg:  Place 7  Points 72
London:  Place 
Paris-Chantilly:  Place 

Berger, Tobias1000039269
Egerer, Albertine1000039548
Guarini, Sandro 1000035364
Junglas, Manuel1000031451
Mühlberger, Sandra1000039267
Metz, Christopher1000039268
Stieber, Jan 1000040460
Wagner, Alexander1000039266
Windisch, Philipp1000040458
Wolf, Kai1000040457

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