United Paintball FederationEuropean Paintball Federation!
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The Millennium Series: European Paintball Series
Bulldog Alencon France France

Season 2013

Category: Division 3

Series Ranking: #5 with 206 points overall
Puget-Sur-Argens:  Place 2  Points 94
Bitburg:  Place 17  Points 35
London:  Place 14  Points 44
Paris-Chantilly:  Place 19  Points 33

EPBF Ranking: #370 with 183 points

Boulay, Sébastien1000033522
Harder, Dwayne1000040373
Kevin, Robert1000033878
Lecrivain, Renaud1000040359
Moisy, Thomas1000040365
Moran, Paitier1000041176
Renard, Nicolas1000033316
Vallee, Yoan1000040378

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