United Paintball FederationEuropean Paintball Federation!
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The Millennium Series: European Paintball Series
Copenhagen Synergy Denmark Denmark

Season 2013

Category: Division 1

Series Ranking: #23 with 90 points overall
Puget-Sur-Argens:  Place 24  Points 18
Bitburg:  Place 24  Points 18
London:  Place 20  Points 26
Paris-Chantilly:  Place 19  Points 28

EPBF Ranking: #725 with 68 points

Brockdorff, Nick1000012727
Hansen, Alexandro 1000037158
Nielsen, Ulrik1000037166
Ottesen , Martin1000040625
Pedersen, Rene Bo Dan1000035044
Pedersen, Dan1000035045
Pedersen, Timmi1000039680
Rahbek, Niels1000033621
Rasmussen, Anders1000039679
Wulff, Peter1000030048

Copenhagen Synergy Denmark Denmark

Season 2012

Category: Division 1

Series Ranking: #8 with 260 points overall
St.Tropez-Cannes:  Place REF  Points 100
Bitburg:  Place 5  Points 77
London:  Place 7  Points 67
Paris-Disney:  Place 21  Points 16

EPBF Ranking: #316 with 175 points

Brockdorff, Nick1000012727
Kold-hansen, Jesper1000012733
Lewis, Mathew1000029692
Papapanagiotou, Konstantinos1000023250
Pedersen, Rene Bo Dan1000035044
Pedersen, Dan1000035045
Wulff, Peter1000030048
*players from sister team eligible

Copenhagen Synergy Denmark Denmark

Season 2011

Category: Division 1

Series Ranking: #9 with 216 points overall
Paris-Longchamp:  Place 24  Points 3
Bitburg:  Place REF  Points 100
London:  Place 16  Points 27
Paris-Disney:  Place 3  Points 86

EPBF Ranking: #129 with 228 points

Ahlberg, Mathias1000029699
Jilltoft, Henrik1000035327
Kold-hansen, Jesper1000012733
Koverman, Marcus1000033913
Lewis, Mathew1000029692
Ljunggren, Ted1000029695
Molloy, Craig1000035041
Papapanagiotou, Konstantinos1000023250
Pihlblad, Nils1000033969
Qvarfort, Martin1000035326
Sterner, Marcus1000033885

Copenhagen Synergy Denmark Denmark

Season 2010

Category: Division 1

Series Ranking: #15 with 168 points overall
Malaga:  Place 19  Points 8
Bitburg:  Place 11  Points 40
London:  Place 6  Points 66
Paris:  Place 8  Points 54

Ahlberg, Mathias1000029699
Kleist, Kenneth1000025424
Kold-Hansen, Jesper1000012733
Lewis, Mathew1000029692
Ljunggren, Ted1000029695
Nilant, Daniel1000030136
Trinity, Martin1000029693
Wulff, Peter1000030048

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