United Paintball FederationEuropean Paintball Federation!
1Edmonton Impact
2Toulouse Tontons
3Russian Legion Moscow
4Breakout Spa
5Manchester Firm
6Joy Division Stockholm
7Red Storm Moscow
8FiveStar Lleidamore CPL rankings...
The Millennium Series: European Paintball Series
GFY Paris France France

Season 2010

Category: Division 3

Series Ranking: #5 with 155 points overall
Malaga:  Place 15  Points 39
Bitburg:  Place 10  Points 20
London:  Place 8  Points 40
Paris:  Place 9  Points 56

Antoine, SAVATIER1000029757
Damien, GAU1000030345
Denoix, Guillaume1000032628
Godard, Stephane1000033253
Godin, Brice1000033241
GPS, Laurent 1000022819
Jonathan, Moreau1000029758
Laurent, BARLOY1000029774
Lucas, Christophe1000032127
PRESENT, Cedric1000025141
Savatier, Antoine1000033148
Side Effect, De Berry1000029752

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