United Paintball FederationEuropean Paintball Federation!
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The Millennium Series: European Paintball Series
Mustang Chartres France France

Season 2012

Category: Division 2

Series Ranking: #7 with 230 points overall
St.Tropez-Cannes:  Place 10  Points 61
Bitburg:  Place 8  Points 69
London:  Place 11  Points 46
Paris-Disney:  Place 15  Points 54

EPBF Ranking: #19 with 1637 points

Caron, Martin1000036428
Goncalves, Simon1000033315
Jeudon, Bruno1000033292
Josse, Romuald1000033297
Legrand, Maverick1000036960
Patricio, Alexandre1000033300
Renard, Nicolas1000033316
Tabourel, Benji1000022091

Mustang Chartres France France

Season 2011

Category: Division 2

Series Ranking: #8 with 180 points overall
Paris-Longchamp:  Place 16  Points 36
Bitburg:  Place 18  Points 30
London:  Place 4  Points 82
Paris-Disney:  Place 25  Points 32

EPBF Ranking: #208 with 134 points

Babouin, Romain1000033358
Bouillot, Olivier1000033295
Boulay, Sébastien1000033522
Depreux, Jacky1000033294
Goncalves, Simon1000033315
Jeudon, Bruno1000033292
Josse, Romuald1000033297
Patricio, Alexandre1000033300
Renard, Nicolas1000033316
Rojas Bugueno, Maxime1000033296

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