United Paintball FederationEuropean Paintball Federation!
1Edmonton Impact
2Toulouse Tontons
3Russian Legion Moscow
4Breakout Spa
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6Joy Division Stockholm
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8FiveStar Lleidamore CPL rankings...
The Millennium Series: European Paintball Series
Rednoz France France

Season 2011

Category: Division 3

Series Ranking: #25 with 79 points overall
Paris-Longchamp:  Place 17  Points 28
Bitburg:  Place 
London:  Place 
Paris-Disney:  Place 14  Points 51

EPBF Ranking: #515 with 28 points

Chanoina, Marion1000032810
Conte, Guillaum1000036806
D, Maxime1000032808
Dandre, Cyril1000033998
Dimitri, Bouron1000036423
Eric, Blanchon1000036412
Isnard, Emmanuelle1000032800
Kent, Elyse Swaize1000033997
Le Nouen, Matthieu1000035168
Matos Pereira, Elodie1000032807
Rodriguez, Rodriguez1000036392
Voisin, Philippe1000032809

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