United Paintball FederationEuropean Paintball Federation!
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The Millennium Series: European Paintball Series
Schnaps Veckring France France

Season 2013

Category: Division 3

Series Ranking: #79 with 10 points overall
Puget-Sur-Argens:  Place 
Bitburg:  Place 42  Points 10
London:  Place 
Paris-Chantilly:  Place 

EPBF Ranking: #1286 with 11 points

Bourguignon, Pierre1000033908
Frédéric, Freyermuth1000040486
Gonzague, Kiffeurt1000040483
Jonathan, Calderon1000040859
Julien, Pinteaux1000040481
Kevin, Denichilo1000040485
Ludovic, Grange1000040479
Mathieu, Kitzinger1000040487
Pierre Emmanuel, Lauer1000040482
Yohan, Fourrier1000040480
Yvon, Corre1000040100

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