DLX at Millennium Series
DLX Technology Group provides red carpet service for players using the Luxe premium tournament marker at Millennium Series tournaments in 2011.
For Immediate Release – Millennium Series Platinum Sponsor, DLX Technology Group has partnered with European Luxe Prestige Dealer Paint Xtreme to provide red carpet customer service and tech support at all 20011 Millennium Series Tournaments.
“We didn’t stop at making the Luxe the easiest to maintain premium tournament marker,” said DLX Director Darryl Trent. “There’s more to owning a luxury paintgun than that. We also make sure our customers have the peace of mind that comes with unparalleled customer support. When you win, we win.”
Luxe owners competing in this year’s Millennium Series events will have factory trained Luxe technicians backing them up, courtesy of Paint Xtreme. One of Europe’s leading paintball superstores, Paint Xtreme’s staff has the experience to help players moving up to the Luxe experience with configuration and accessories tailored perfectly to their individual playing style.
For more information, contact DLX Technology group at (001) 866-573-5893 or (001) 707-293-9648.
DLX Technology is dedicated to melding cutting edge technology with solid tournament performance to build the ultimate luxury paintball marker. To learn more, contact DLX Technology Group at dtrent@luxepaintball.com, or visit www.LuxePaintball.com.
DLX Technology Group