MAXS to be Diamond Sponsor 2011
For immediate release – Millennium Series Diamond Sponsor , MAXS has partnered with DXS, Vforce, Sly, MacDev, Maxsimum Customs and HKArmy to provide great custom service at all 2011 Millennium Series tournaments.
“We always try to push ourselves more and try to understand really what each player needs and wants,” said MAXS Marketing Director Patrick Wrobel. “There is more to supplying the greatest tournaments paintballs by DXS, or a great paint gun like the Clone VX, and the most innovative products from SLY Equipments. We want to give all teams a home base that they feel taken care off and understood in order to have fun.”
MAXS will provide great tech support again for all MACDEV markers with our French tech Sebtec.
And MAXS provides VIP Treatment for all teams using our “MAXSIMUM Customs” athletic premium cut jerseys at Millennium Series tournaments in 2011. Join the MAXS Family.
For more information, contact MAXS at