United Paintball FederationEuropean Paintball Federation!
1Edmonton Impact
2Toulouse Tontons
3Russian Legion Moscow
4Breakout Spa
5Manchester Firm
6Joy Division Stockholm
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8FiveStar Lleidamore CPL rankings...
The Millennium Series: European Paintball Series
Moscow Bears Russia Russia

Season 2012

Category: Division 3

Series Ranking: #15 with 138 points overall
St.Tropez-Cannes:  Place 9  Points 60
Bitburg:  Place 18  Points 42
London:  Place 
Paris-Disney:  Place 25  Points 36

EPBF Ranking: #205 with 289 points

Andreev, Vladimir1000036842
Dolganov, Nikita1000039885
Gubanin, Anton1000036837
Gusev, Mikhail1000036839
Malanin, Ivan1000036838
Mazur, Alexey1000039890
Milih, Mark1000039574
Mulyukin, Aleksey1000036889
Peregrimov, Sergey 1000039174
Sarygin, Kirill1000036840
Sergeev, Dmitry1000039886
Yurchenko, Maksim1000037178

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